Thoh Shun Art Camp 2023

The Thoh Shun Art Camp 2023 was held at the ICSSR premises, NEHU, and participated by twelve artists from Santiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni and some artists from Riti Academy of Visual Arts. The Art Camp was inaugurated by Mr Frederick Roy Kharkongor, Commissioner and Secretary of Meghalaya's Arts and Culture Government. The ten-day art camp was dedicated to the memory of the Poet Laureate of Meghalaya, Soso Tham, on the eighty-third death anniversary. Glorious tributes were paid by the dignitaries and all artists and guests to the literary legend, Soso Tham to cherish his outstanding contribution to Khasi literature. The chief guest, F R Kharkongor, reminded the gathering that Soso Tham wrote books in vernacular language at a time when tremendous challenges were encountered and difficult to overcome from the pressure of external influences. He said that the identity of the Khasi community is based on the three ‘Ls’ that means Land, language, and Lineage as professed by Soso Tham.
Every speaker expressed the plight of creative people in the context of their respective analysis on the current scenario in society. The Honorary Director of ICSSR, Prof B Panda, delved on the philosophical aspects of art concerning society. At the same time, Dr Janak Jhankar Narzari narrated the practical situation in the region and stressed the institutionalisation of art as a forum to further the interest of the fraternity, and to sustain the career prospects of every artist in society. The main organiser of the Art Camp, Raphael Warjri, shared certain significant aspects of art in the local context and expressed the need for setting up of formal art education institute in the State to inspire and encourage local aspirants to take up fine arts as a viable career option. Meanwhile, the society of alumni of fine arts of Viswa Bharati University, the Santiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Riti Academy of Visual Arts, Shillong for an exchange programme on art for the first phase, which will be continued in future.
The twelve artists from Santiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni were also felicitated during the programme in recognition of their endeavour in the week-long art camp, including the audio-visual presentation of some members. The participating artists from Santiniketan are Dr. Janak Jhankar Narzari, Soumitra Chatterji, Rathin Kanji, Prof. Niaz Majumdar, Rishi Barua, Sheema Barua, Falguni Mukherji, Samita Goswami, Ketaki Choudhury, Saleha Ahmed, Krishna Dutta, Babita Das, and from Shillong are Mario Pathaw, Phaibha Kupar Kharlukhi, Benedict S Hynniewta, Frederick D Hynniewta, and Raphael Warjri. Dr Janak Jhankar Narzari delivered an illustrated lecture on his artwork, particularly the majestic sculptures that he created in reputed institutions and establishments across the globe. Mario Pathaw presented the digital comic book on Khasi cultural heritage titled ‘exploring the relationship between words, images and the Indigenous Representation of the Khasi Jaiñtia People’ and Benedict S Hynniewta presented his various artworks on canvases and during the recent years in digital format. Soumitra Chatterji presented his lecture on the topic 'A glance at 'Mountains' in landscape painting of the Far East,India and the West- and the influence of the same on my artistic journey’. Prof. Niaz Majumdar of American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh presented a visual interpretation on "Education through Arts and Aesthetics: Teaching the Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore". Rishi Barua, Rathin Kanji, Ketaki Choudhury, Seema Barua, Falguni Mukherji, Samita Goswami and Babita Das presented their journeys in art throughout their respective careers.
The presentation culminated with the screening of the film Apot directed by Raphael Warjri. Almost all the artists shared their perception and appreciation of the film that displays the inherent cultural milieu and traditional customary practices of the Khasi community through folklore. Dr. Jank Jhankar Narzari stated that the film Apot has created a benchmark in the film scenario of the region. Prof Niaz Mazumdar extolled the visual vocabulary of the film and appreciated the cinematography. Most of the artists remarked that formal recognition is deserving on both the folk aspects of the storyline, the screenplay and sound design, and the overall technical excellence. Furthermore, the institution of the Prithpal Singh Sehdave Memorial Award was formally announced by Raphael Warjri with the consent of his family and formalities are being facilitated to make the ceremony befitting of his stature in the world of art. The next art camp will be hosted by Sanitiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni elsewhere in the country in collaboration with the Riti Academy of Visual Arts.