•   Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025

Silver Jubilee Celebration of Dorbar Kur Warjri

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  Raphael Warjri



The Seng Kur Warjri will celebrate the Silver Jubilee on the 12th December, 2023 at Thynroit village where thousands of kinfolks are expected to attend. The celebration will start with the Mini Marathon in the early hours, which will be followed by the congregation to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary year of the Dorbar Kur Warjri. Within this year the Seng Kur Warjri have organised various cultural and sports events for the children and youth of the Warjri clan. Some of the activities are the Flower Show, essay and poetry writing, painting and drawing, singing and dancing, and fancy dress exposition. The winners of the various cultural and sports activities will be rewarded on the final day. The celebration will culminate with a music concert in the evening.


Apart from the usual festivities, the day coincides with the Khasi new year day based on the lunar calendar, spearheaded by Riti Academy. Therefore, the day will be observed to celebrate the Khasi New Year day as part of the Silver Jubilee Celebration. The executive council of the Dorbar Kur Warjri also resolved to revitalise the clan and embrace the various segments of the clan with variation of nomenclatures in the course of history and social situations. The idea is to avoid any confusion and conflict with other clans of the same nomenclature and to strengthen the ancient matrilineal system of clan lineage and regulate uniformity of the clans from the core of origin within the Khasi society.