•   Friday, 14 Mar, 2025


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  Raphael Warjri

Even in the face of the modern age and advanced technology, the Syiem of Raid Thaiang, Nikhos Syiem, emphasized the continued adherence to this traditional method. Speaking to Media Plus during the Muktieh clan's harvest in Pamlatar, he highlighted the community's commitment to preserving their cultural practices despite the availability of modern tools and techniques. in the realm of traditional practices shifting cultivation stands out as a unique method it involves a cultivation phase characterized by Slash and Burn techniques in primary or secondary forests followed by one year of crop cultivation and then a face local communities like the Villages of Pamlatar under Raid Thaiang in Ribhoi district of Meghalaya still follow this practice after harvesting they leave the cultivated plots fallow allowing the land to regenerate its forest vegetation for future cultivation the selection of shifting cultivation sites are based on traditional knowledge focusing on the potential for a high yield of paddy and associated crops with minimal environmental impact even in the face of the modern age and Advanced technology the Syiem of Raij Thaiang, Nikos Syiem emphasized the continued adherence to this traditional method, speaking to Media Plus during the Muktieh clan's harvest in Pamlatar on the 11th of December 2023 he highlighted The community's commitment to preserving their cultural practices despite the availability of modern tools and techniques S noted that during the crop harvesting each Clan takes turns, particularly with rice and the entire community actively participates volunteers from other Clans join in without expecting anything in return this communal effort Force a sense of community participation culminating in a Feast of traditional cuisine and local rice brew after the crop Harvest.