•   Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025

Prithpal Singh Sehdave Award Instituted in Shillong

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  Raphael Warjri

The Thoh Shun Art Camp 2023 was held at the ICSSR premises, NEHU and participated by twelve artists from Santiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni and some artists from Riti Academy of Visual Arts. The Art Camp was inaugurated by Mr Frederick Roy Kharkongor, Commissioner and Secretary, Arts and Culture Government of Meghalaya. The ten day art camp was dedicated to the memory of the Poet Laureate of Meghalaya, Soso Tham, on the eighty third death anniversary. Glorious tributes were paid by the dignitaries and all artists and guests to the literary legend, Soso Tham to cherish his outstanding contribution to Khasi literature.


Furthermore, Riti Academy instituted the Prithpal Singh Sehdave Memorial Award was formally announced by Raphael Warjri with the consent of his family and formalities are being facilitated to make the ceremony befitting of his stature in the world of art. The next art camp will be hosted by Sanitiniketan Kala Bhavan Praktoni elsewhere in the country in collaboration with the Riti Academy of Visual Arts. Neccessary formalities are being prepared to make a national-level award in honour of a versatile artist, fondly known as Ladi.

A cultural tour was also conducted to Pahambir Heritage Village with the enthusiastic participation of artists and knowledge gathering on the folk culture of the people. The primary resource person, Bah Rani Maring, shared his folk knowledge, his skill at folk musical performances, and the feast with local cuisine prepared by the family members. Further, there was a leisure trip for the artists from Santiniketan to Sohra, popularly known as Cherrapunji, which was cherished by all the artists.