Price Stabilisation through Open Market Sale Scheme OMSS(D): FCI

The government of India through FCI (Food Corporation of India) is releasing wheat and Rice in the open market through Open Market Sale Scheme OMSS(D) every week for price stabilization. The base rate for URS Wheat is Rs. 2125/- per quintal and for FAQ Wheat is Rs. 2150/- per quintal. The base rate for Rice (FRK) is Rs. 2973 /- per quintal.
To encourage the bidders, the minimum and maximum bidding quantity per bidder has been revised to 10 MT to 300 MT for Wheat and 01 MT to 2000 MT for Rice. Further the bidding quantity for Wheat Bidders shall not exceed 50 MT for processing units with LT connection and 300 MT for processing units with HT connection. In case connection type is not mentioned on the electricity bill then electricity connection with sanction load from 1 – 75 KVA will be considered as LT connection only.
FCI, RO NEF Region offered Wheat and Rice for the States of Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura through OMSS(D) with effect from 28.06.23. Till date a total quantity 34300 MT WHEAT and 78000 MT RICE offered out of which 19060 MT wheat and 11626 MT Rice was sold from different depots under NEF Region. It is to inform that NEF Region has sufficient wheat and Rice stocks to continue offering under the scheme.The NIT (Notice Inviting Tender) will be uploaded on every Friday in MJUNCTION Portal followed by Auction on successive Wednesday. For the upcoming E-auction dated 24.01.2024, a quantity of 1500 MT Wheat and 3000 MT Rice will be offered.
To benefit the consumers and general public at large FCI expects more participation from the local empanelled (registered) buyers for the upcoming auction. Bidding would be allowed in a State against the GST/TRADE TAX REGISTRATION registered in that State/UT only. For more information, interested Bidders may contact help desk at 1800 102 7136 provided by M/s MJunction Services Ltd. or for empanelment and bidding through E-auction.