•   Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025

Press Note on Awardee 2024

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  Raphael Warjri

Shri Jokin Kurkalang, 50, from Mawkriah, Mawphlang, and Shri Khlainbor Pale, 57, from
Umkei, Umsning Ri Bhoi District, were honored with certificates, mementos, and cash awards
for their outstanding contributions to fish farming in the State during the National Fish Farmers
Day 2024 celebration on July 10, 2024, at Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal,
Uttarakhand and College of Fisheries, CAU (I), Tripura, respectively. A pride for the State of
Meghalaya and the Department of Fisheries.
Shri Jokin Kurkalang was conferred with “Progressive Fish Farmer Award” from Meghalaya
along with five other progressive farmers of the Himalayan States at the Directorate of
Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand. Supported by the Blue Revolution scheme,
he has been practicing scientific fish farming in his 1-hectare pond, for the past 5 years with an
annual fish production of 3,000 kgs, and integrating his fish farm with aquapark and recreational
activities like boating, etc; his income is therefore increase.
Shri Khlainbor Pale was conferred with “Best Fish Farmer” from Meghalaya along with other
fish famers of the North Eastern States organised by the College of Fisheries, CAU (I), Tripura,
in association with the North East Society for Fisheries and Aquaculture (NESFA), India. A
dedicated fish farmer, Pale exhibited remarkable achievements in the field of Aquaculture since
2019 supported from the Blue Revolution Scheme, and supplemented with personal investment.
Through his adoption of semi-intensive, meticulous pond management and consistent feeding
practices, he was able to achieve fish production of 2,600 kg in 2022, 2,800 kg in 2023, and
2,400 kg in 2024, overcoming the challenges posed by Meghalaya's unique climatic conditions.

Director of Fisheries,
Meghalaya, Shillong