•   Tuesday, 04 Feb, 2025

Iohborlang Nongspung and Marqueenless Ramsiej emerged victorious in the Assam Rifles Half Marathon

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  Raphael Warjri

Shillong, November 26, 2023: The Hon'ble Governor of Meghalaya, Shri Phagu Chauhan
today graced the prize distribution ceremony of the third edition of Half Marathon organised
by Assam Rifles at the Headquarters of Directorate General Assam Rifles, Laitkor, Shillong.
Aimed at promoting the spirit of unity in diversity and National Unity, the Half Marathon
organised at part of the “Fit India Movement” was open for all aged above 18 years, both for
men and women in different categories.
Handing over the prizes to the winners of 21 Kms category, the Hon’ble Governor
appreciated the enthusiasm and spirit of the participants and the spectators. The runners of
21 Km category in the various age groups included 290 in 18 to 30,199 in 30 to 40,123 in 40
to 50 and 135 in over 50 years’ category.
Conducted against the backdrop of the scenic and majestic hills of East Khasi District at
Laitkor, the event was a major success as witnessed by the massive and enthusiastic
participation of serving personnel and families of Assam Rifles, 101 Area, Eastern Air
Command, CRPF, CISF, SSB and Meghalaya Police. Adding a cutting edge to the
competition, seasoned Cross Country runners from all over the country took part in the
physical and virtual mode in the Mega event and presented a challenge to the runners of the
Armed Forces and CAPFs. The run was divided into two categories of 21 Kms and 10 Kms
each having its own age groups. A total of 747 people participated in 21 Kms half Marathon,
694 in the 10 Kms run, in both physical and virtual mode.
In the under 30 years’ category Mr Emphius Nongrum was the winner in 21 Km run and Mrs
Bandasharai Marwei was the winner in Female category. In 10 Km run Mr Iohborlang
Nongspung was the winner in Male and Mrs Marqueenless Ramsiej was the winner in
Female category.
The fervour and spirit of the Marathon was boosted further with the participation of ladies in
all categories.