James Joy Mohon Nichols-Roy, hailing from a Khasi tribal background, was born on June 12, 1884, in Shella, Meghalaya. A prominent figure within the Church of God, a denomination rooted in the United States, Roy made history in 1921 as the inaugural tribal representative on the Assam Governor’s Council. His political journey continued with his election to the Assam Legislative Assembly in 1937.
Renowned for championing tribal rights, Roy's influence extended to the creation of the Khasi Jaintia National Federation State Conference or the KJFSC in Meghalaya’s Khasi Jaintia Hills.
Under Nehru's guidance, the party's mission was to secure self-governance for tribals across Northeast India. His primary focus centered on tribal rights and the imperative for autonomy in the northeastern regions.
Notably, Nichols Roy, played a pivotal role in the incorporation of the Sixth Schedule in the constitution of India, paving the way for autonomous District Councils in tribal areas of the Northeast.
Today the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC), commemorated the 64th anniversary of JJM Nichols Roy’s demise at an event hosted on the 1st of November 2023 at the council's premises.
The Chief Executive Member of the KHADC, Pyniaid Sing Syiem, along with members of the District Council paid their respects by placing wreaths beneath the bust, honoring the father of the Sixth Schedule.