•   Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025

IIM Shillong Explores Meghalaya's Cultural Splendor with Behdienkhlam Festival

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  Raphael Warjri

Students from IIM Shillong embarked on a journey into Meghalaya's vibrant cultural tapestry
during the recent International Week. The week-long immersion, organized by IIM Shillong
supported by Meghalaya Tourism, aimed to foster cross-cultural understanding and
appreciation among global participants from diverse backgrounds.
The exploration commenced with an inspiring visit to Tyrshi Falls, nestled amidst the Jaintia
Hills District. Participants crossed a picturesque arch bridge, traversing lush green paddy
fields to reach the base of the falls. The cascading waters of Tyrshi Falls, resembling milk
flowing over a vertical drop, offered a mesmerizing sight against the backdrop of the Pynthor
The journey continued with the celebration of the Behdienkhlam Festival, renowned for its
cultural significance and community spirit. Students actively engaged in traditional rituals,
including the symbolic beating of bamboo poles to ward off evil spirits. The festival
culminated in joyous dancing at Aitnar, accompanied by traditional pipes and drums amidst
intricately decorated rots and khnongs.
Further enriching their cultural odyssey, students explored the significance of monoliths in
Shillong. These ancient stone structures, scattered across the landscape, hold profound
historical and cultural significance, providing insights into Meghalaya's rich heritage.
The International Week not only provided an educational platform but also fostered lasting
connections and mutual respect among international students and the local community,
underscoring the importance of cultural exchange in today's globalized world.