•   Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025

Cultural event competition by National Health Mission

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  Raphael Warjri

The Office of the State Tuberculosis Officer Meghalaya, through National Tuberculosis Elimination
Programme (NTEP) has organised the first Cultural event competition in collaboration with The
International Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union) and Department of Social Work,
Women's College, Shillong on October 9, 2023.
The program aimed at sensitising the Youth and College Students centred around key messages on
Tuberculosis - it's prevention, diagnosis, and treatment through competition of Singing, Phawar and
wall painting.
The Key Note address was delivered by Dr. M. Mawrie, State TB Officer, Meghalaya and he
highlighted the role of youth as a change agent reaching out to their families, friends, and
communities. He also stated that the government is very determined to give the best for the healthy
future of our state.
Dr. B. Shanpru, District TB Officer, East Khasi Hills District shared a presentation on the Evolution of
National Tuberculosis Elimination Program and how it shaped up in last few years in Meghalaya to
eliminate TB from the State. She reiterated that Social Work Students played a pivotal role during
their internship and undertaking fieldwork to reach to out to communities.
Dr. Ratnadeep Roy, Principal of Women’s College, acknowledged that the collaborative approach of
social work department with the state TB Office and pledged support for TB Free Meghalaya.
Students from Socal Work Department of Women’s College gave a scintillating dance performance
on an Action Song on Tuberculosis composed by the KHMIH Creative Society under the guidance of
District TB Office, West Khasi Hills.
20 participants took part in Phawar and Singing competition and 18 participants took part in wall
painting with TB messages across 18 places in the state. The participants came from diverse
backgrounds and from age groups as young as 10 years old to senior citizens. More than 200 students
witnessed the thrilling performances. A few impromptu performances by audience members had the
hall rocking.
In the end, Awards were given to the 3 best performers in Wall Painting, Singing Competition and
Phawar. The Winners in Singing Competition are Ms. Samanbha Haley Dkhar,  Distant Alive Group, and Heibormi Veteran Group. The Winners in Wall Painting are Mr. Thorman G Momin, Ms. Elizabeth M Sangma, Mr. Winsterfield Khonglam. The Winners in Phawar are Greenfield Self Help Group, Mawkynrew, Ki Sur Shynna, Rapsbun Nursing School, Shillong.
The West Garo Hills district received an award for best wall painting in the district category.
Dr. Amica Rynjah, Assistant Program Officer, State TB Office, Meghalaya delivered the vote of
thanks and urged all the youth and participants to share TB knowledge across the community and
help in making Meghalaya TB Free State.